Australian mud or bentonite clay for toenail fungus is one of the home remedies to try to combat your foot fungus with internal and external treatments.
How To Treat Nail Fungus?
Nail fungal treatment needs to be treated early for a faster rate of recovery but there is always hope even if you have left it for far too long. It just means you’re going to need a stronger arsenal at your disposal.
There are 3 treatable ways to do this but it does depend on your health status, how serious your condition is at and your personal preference. These ways include:
1. Surgery
A specialist (podiatrist) will literally remove the affected areas of the nail if the nail infection causes severe pain and other forms of treatment have proven to be futile. May be very costly.
2. Oral Treatment
There are prescription drugs that can treat toenail fungus but they are not so effective as infection has been known to reoccur and may involve some risk of liver damage.
3. Topical Treatment
There are plenty of creams or oils out there in the market that are available for nail fungus treatment but you will need to find a good quality one that is going to do the job correctly. Topical treatment is by far the safest method for a nail fungus cure but would need some time and commitment and could take up to a year to finally be rid of it.
Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus
Getting rid of toenail fungus, like other forms of fungus, can be a bit of a challenge and generally requires a two-step approach. Often to be really successful it needs to be treated both internally and externally to get it under control.
There are however, some simple home remedies that can help to get fungal nail infections under control if caught early and keep them at bay, and when an internal approach is combined with an external treatment, then with some time and commitment, the toenail fungus may be cured.
I’ve split these five home remedies for toenail fungus into two groups: internal treatments and external treatments.
This way if you choose to try some home remedies, you can attack the problem head on by creating your own two step treatment for your fungal nail infection. Once you’ve decided on a strategy you’ll be on your way (hopefully) to getting your fungal overgrowth under control.
Internal Treatment for Toenail Fungus
1. Probiotics
You can use a good quality probiotic to help to balance your intestinal flora.
Over time this can help to control fungal overgrowth on, and in your body. A more powerful alternative to commercial probiotic powders or capsules, is to make your own fermented foods at home such as sauerkraut, fermented green papaya, kefir or even homemade coconut yogurt!
These fermented foods are all probiotic powerhouses that can be consumed every day to help keep bacteria and fungal colonies in your body balanced.
2. Bentonite Clay for Foot Fungus
Sodium bentonite clay is one Australian mud that can be used both internally and externally to help to control fungal problems. Australian mud for toenail fungus has been known for its ability draw out toxins and create an alkaline environment that bacteria find it hard to propagate. This is due to its strong ion exchange that we have explained in our calcium vs sodium bentonite clay.
Make sure that you buy food grade bentonite clay if you plan to use it internally, and do not use metal utensils to store or mix your clay. Follow the instructions for internal use on the packaging of the product.
To use Australian mud for toenail fungus externally;
- Simply mix the clay into a paste with water and apply to the affected area.
- Leave to dry and then rinse off or better still, wrap in plastic wrap and leave on for several hours or overnight.
- Do this several times a day if possible, or at least once daily.
3. Supplements
Sometimes using bentonite clay for toenail fungus does not cut it because your condition demands a much more potent treatment.
I’ve heard of this toenail fungus supplement that is a purifying Vietnamese fungus tonic that has shown some amazing results that uses a formulation of curcumin, Cat’s Claw, garlic, Quercetin, pomegranate or olive.
>>> Check it out here to see if it is the right fit for you.
Treat Nail Fungus Externally
You will need to prepare your toenails for this next phase of treatment in order to successfully remove your nail fungus. We are going to make a foot soak to submerge your infected toes so your toenails will need to be cut back so that the active fungal fighting ingredients in our solution can penetrate directly to the nail bed where the fungus resides. You will need a set of tools:
- nail clippers
- nail filer
- Wash your hands and feet thoroughly with soap.
- Make sure your tools have been washed and been sterilised by leaving them in hot boiling water for at least 3 mins before use.
- Use your nail clippers to cut your infected toenail as close to the nail bed as possible without feeling any pain or discomfort.
- Use your nail filer to further file back the areas of the toenail. You want to remove and thin down as much of the nail as possible because the nail is actually in the way of the treatment.
- If you are treating more than one toenail, be sure to wash your tools thoroughly in between each infected toenail to avoid cross-contamination.
Now, you may proceed to prepare the foot soak.
Preparing The Foot Soak
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
- Make a solution with equal parts apple cider vinegar and water.
- Soak your feet in this solution for 30 minutes, then dry your feet thoroughly.
- Do this every day and within a few weeks you should begin to notice improvement in your fungal nail infection.
2. Tea Tree Oil Or Manuka Oil
Tea Tree or Manuka Oil is highly anti-fungal and can be used topically to help to control nail fungal infections.
- After the rinse and dry process of your feet, you may want to apply Tea Tree Oil or Manuka Oil directly on the infected toenail.
- Simply use a cotton ball to apply tea tree oil to the affected toenails several times a day. Lavender oil can also be used as it is also highly anti-fungal.
Be sure to use a good quality, preferably a 100% pure concentrate as that would give you the best result.
3. Listerine Foot Soak
Listerine mouthwash can reportedly be used for fungal nail infections too.
- Simply soak your nails in Listerine for 15-30 minutes then rinse off and dry your feet well.
- Repeat this once or twice a day until the infection is cleared.
How To Keep Toenail Fungus At Bay
What happens when you are finally rid of toenail fungus? If you do have a history of toenail fungus, you will need to take steps to ensure that the condition is kept at bay.
1. Feet Must Always Be Clean And Dry
Make it a habit to wash your feet and toes with soap while you shower or have a bath.
Give it a good scrub and clean, especially in between the toes and even the nails. Use a foot scrub or brush if you have to.
Once you are done be sure to dry your feet with a cotton towel as any moisture left behind may give incentive for the fungus flourish again.
2. Keep your Nails Clean and Short
This is an important aspect to keep the toenail fungus from recurring. By keeping your nails short and clean, you are not giving any place for the fungus to develop.
Any one of the anti-bacterial foot soaks mentioned above will be more effective too in penetrating any problem areas.
This method goes hand in hand with washing your feet and toes during your bathing routine.
3. Wear Good Quality Breathable Socks
A good pair of socks will help your feet and toes to breathe more easily.
Make sure to invest in some pure cotton or linen socks and not polystyrene ones that tend to make your feet sweat more.
4. Keep Your Feet Protected
Public areas such as the pool or gym have bacteria lurking on their floors no matter how clean they look.
You may be tempted to walk around barefooted in those areas but you should be more careful and wear either slippers, shoes or socks to keep your feet from coming in contact with such surfaces.
Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus Summary
Using sodium bentonite clay or Australian mud for toenail fungus or any of the above as a daily routine for at least a month can produce some noticeable results. Just keep repeating until your foot fungus is completely eradicated.
However, if you have gone through all of the above mentioned home remedies for toenail fungus and after a month, you still haven’t seen any improvement or it’s just not working at all.
Then by this stage, there may be more to your condition than meets the eye and that you should seek professional help. It could be more of an internal problem and you may need to get to the root of it fast!
There’s always the choice of supplements and you might like to try this anti-fungus product that offers a 60-day money back guarantee:
>>> Check out how taking this anti-fungus supplement before 1PM could give you amazing results.